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Q: Why greenhouse is called green why not redhouse or something else?
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What are the green gases?

They are not green gases, they are called greenhouse gases and they cause global warming.

Green house gases are responsible for a phenomenon called?

The Greenhouse Effect.

Which planet is called the green planet?

Earth and mercery have atmospheres so there greenhouse planets

What is the greenhouse effect called?

the green house effect called global warming,and the global warming is increasing day-by-day.

Why the name greenhouse?

Almost everything you grow in a greenhouse is 'green'.

The trapping of heat by a planet's atmosphere is called what?

it allows solar radiation to penetrate to the surface!

Why is green house effect called green house effect?

Because the "greenhouse gases" act similarly to a greenhouse. The heat goes through the gases (glass panes) and is stored on Earth (greenhouse) and is unable to exit back into the atmosphere (sky). Google "greenhouse effect" and go look at the images, the pictures on the first page will help you to understand my analogy.

What are five common words that contains the word green?

greenhouse green card greenery greenhorn greenish greenhouse effect greenwood

Why is the word green color used in the greenhouse effect?

The "Greenhouse" effect is not referencing the colour green, instead it references the greenhouse, a building erected to allow plants to be grown in a warmer environment. Most greenhouses are built of transparent glass (no colour) and are not green either. The only green associated with the greenhouse building is the colour of the plants inside of them.

What is the most popular color of greenhouse?


Is the greenhouse effect real?

the green house is real. the goverment is try to find a solution to greenhouse.

What is something covered in green vegetation called?

A verdant is covered with green vegetation.