

Why gregor mandel choose garden pea?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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14y ago

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One of the reasons that Mendel carried out his breeding experiments with pea plants was that he could observe inheritance patterns in up to two generations a year.

AnswerBecause he did a lot of research and found that peas most readily demonstrated the genetic factors he wished to show.
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14y ago

Gregor Mendel originally used mice for his experiment. However, he conducted his experiments in a monastery, and the Abbot did not want him using animals. Pea plants also have very distinct characteristics.

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14y ago

Mendel used the garden peas because of the difference in each variety; the flower color, seed color, seed shape, pod color, pod shape, flower position, and plant height. So it was very easy to see which properties they developed.

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11y ago

Gregor Mendel chose the pea plants for his experiments because the garden pea is an ideal subject in the study of genetics for the following reasons:

-- presence of observable traits with contrasting forms

-- produces many offspring in one cross

-- short life cycle

-- ease in manipulating pollination (cross pollination)

Pea plants had the following chacracteristics:

  1. plants were sexually reproducing with bisexual flowers
  2. self pollination and self fertilization is possible
  3. the life cycle was completed in one season
  4. hybrids were perfectly fertile
  5. many varieties with well-defined characters were available i.e. presence of seven pairs of contrasting or allelomorphic characters

Pea plants (leguminosae) have an irregular flower in which the top part of the corolla is much larger than the lower part (Hitchcock and CronquistFlora of the Pacific Northwest p228). If you haven't ever seen a pea flower, it looks much like a snap dragon bloom. This feature keeps the flowers from freely pollinating each other by wind, as they are tightly shut. If protected from pollinating insects, they will only self pollinate, or if the anthers are clipped off they can be very selectively pollinated by a person. This gave Mendel much tighter control over the crossbreeding of the plants.

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10y ago
The common garden pea (Pisum sativum) was a good "model" system because of the following:
  • Controlled fertilization (isolate plants & transfer pollen with brush)
  • Plants could be self-fertilized or cross-fertilized
  • The 7 characteristics (gene traits) had only two forms (alleles) which made the statistics easy to deal with.
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Gregor Mendel is an Austrian monk that discovered genetics in a monastary garden with pea plants.

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If you are talking about gregor mendel, then he chose the pea plant because it showed differences in traits well

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Gregor Mendel experimented with pea plants in order to understand how gene expression functions.Gregor Mendel was the person who used Pea plant in his experiments and formulated basic principals of heredity from 1854 to 1865 .He is called father of genetics .

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he did not study animals, he is famous for his experiments with pea plants.

Who was Gregor Mandel and what is he famous for?

Gregor Mendel studied pea plants and found out about genetics. He was able to figure out that there were heterozygous plants that carried the recessive trait, so even if the trait was not shown in either parent plant it could be expressed in the offspring.

What did Gregor Mandel discover?

Gregor Mendel discovered the basic principles of heredity by conducting experiments with pea plants. His work showed that genetic traits are inherited in predictable patterns, and he laid the foundation for the field of genetics.

What organism did gregor mendel use to conduct his experiment?

He used pea plants for his genetics experiment.

What would be a reason Mendel shouldn't have used the garden pea plant as his experimental organism?

The garden pea plant was a good choice for Mendel's experiments because it is easy to control for pollination and reproduction. However, a reason Mendel shouldn't have used it could be that it has a long generation time, which would slow down the pace of his experiments and make it harder to observe multiple generations in a short period.

Three reasons gregor mendel used the garden pea plant?

Gregor Mendel used the garden pea plant because it was easy to control and manipulate in breeding experiments, had distinct traits that were easy to observe, and had a short reproductive cycle allowing for quick results and large sample sizes.