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she skipped him because he had the best job of all

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1mo ago

The Chief Elder skipped Jonas in the Ceremony of Twelve because she saw potential in him to become the next Receiver of Memory, a highly honored and important role in their community. She believed he possessed unique qualities that qualified him for this responsibility.

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12y ago

The chief elderly skipped Jonas because she/he thought that Jonas is not there or he is not ready

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7y ago

The chief elder skipped Jonas due to the fact that later in the story he becomes receiver, the most important job in the community.

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Q: Why had the chief elder skip Jonas in the ceremony of twelve?
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Why the chief elder gave the society an apology?

For making a mistake and skipping Jonas at the Ceremony of Twelve. She also apologized for expressing Jonas with embarrassment and singling him out.

Why had the chief elder skipped over Jonas in the ceremony of twelve in the book the giver?

The chief elder skipped over Jonas in the ceremony of twelve because he was selected to be the Receiver of Memory, a very important and influential position. This role is only given to one member of the community, and it requires special qualities like intelligence and courage.

Why had the chief elder skipped Jonas in the ceremony of twelves?

The chief elder skipped Jonas due to the fact that later in the story he becomes receiver, the most important job in the community.

Why was Jonas skipped in The Giver?

In The Giver, Jonas was skipped during the Ceremony of Twelve because the Chief Elder realized that he had unique qualities that made him suitable to receive the memories of the past from the Giver. This was a special role that required someone with the capacity for empathy and deep emotions, which the leaders recognized in Jonas.

Who decides each tewlve's assignment?

In "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, the Chief Elder is responsible for assigning jobs to each Twelve at the Ceremony of Twelve. The Chief Elder reviews the aptitude and interests of each individual and then selects a suitable job for them based on the needs of the community.

Why was Jonas upset during the ceremony of twelves?

Jonas was upset during the Ceremony of Twelves because he was skipped over when the Chief Elder announced the Assignments for the year. This caused him anxiety and uncertainty about his future role in the community.

What are some character traits for the character Jonas in the giver?

At the ceremony of twelve The Cheif Elder gives him the traits of Intelligence, Integrity, Courage and Wisdom. !

Who was the voice that said needless to say he will be released in the giver?

In "The Giver", the voice that said "Needless to say, he will be released" was from the Chief Elder during the Ceremony of Twelve where Jonas was selected to be the new Receiver of Memory. It signifies that the previous Receiver will be released from the community.

What words describe how Jonas walks to the chief elder?

Jonas walks confidently and purposefully towards the chief elder, his posture upright and his movements deliberate.

Who is the chief elder fro The Giver?

The Chief Elder from "The Giver" is an authoritative figure who presides over the Ceremony of Twelve in the community. She holds the power to assign roles to the young adults based on their skills and attributes. She represents the governing body that controls the citizens' lives.

How do people receive their assignment in The Giver?

In "The Giver," people are assigned their roles in society by the Chief Elder during the Ceremony of Twelve. The Chief Elder announces each person's assignment based on their personality traits, skills, and interests.

Where was the word Stench in the giver?

The word "stench" is mentioned in "The Giver" during the Ceremony of Twelve when Jonas becomes the new Receiver of Memory. The Chief Elder references the previous Receiver, who failed, saying they had left behind disturbing memories of pain and stench. This moment foreshadows the challenging and painful memories that Jonas will later receive.