

Why happy prince want to help the poor people?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Why happy prince want to help the poor people?
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What is the symbol of the happy prince as a statue in The happy Prince by Oscar Wilde?

In "The Happy Prince" by Oscar Wilde, the statue of the Happy Prince is adorned with precious jewels and gold leaf, symbolizing wealth and opulence. It represents beauty, generosity, and selflessness as the Happy Prince sacrifices his own comfort to help the poor and needy in his city.

Who is the protagonist or antagonist in the happy prince?

The Happy Prince, a short story by Oscar Wilde, features a statue of a prince who becomes a selfless character and helps the poor in his city. The protagonist is the Happy Prince, while the antagonists are the city officials who do not understand the value of his actions and the swallow who sacrifices its life to help the prince.

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The Happy Prince insists that the swallow pluck out his sapphire eyes because he wants the swallow to bring them as a gift to the poor. The prince believes that the eyes, which are made of precious jewels, will help alleviate the suffering of the poor by providing them with money to buy food and shelter.

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In The Happy Prince, the Happy Prince sends the seamstress a ruby. He does this because the seamstress is poor and selling the ruby will allow her to get money to buy her sick child some medicine.

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i need to contact the Prince Walid Ben Talal asking him for a finance help in a seiouse need..

What is sacrifice in happy prince story?

In the story "The Happy Prince" by Oscar Wilde, sacrifice refers to the actions of the Happy Prince character who gives up his own luxury and beauty to help the poor and suffering in his city. He asks a Swallow bird to take his precious jewels and gold leaf to those in need, even though it means sacrificing his own comfort. This act of sacrifice ultimately leads to him being stripped of all his beauty and value.

What is the irony in the happy prince short story by Oscar Wilde?

When prince was alive,he lived happy and peaceful life....he does nothing when have life.....after death he came to know about the sufferings of common man....

Explain poor is poor because it is poor?

the big people help to poor people & one man can help to three peoples there also help to next peoples

What is the irony of the happy prince?

The irony of "The Happy Prince" by Oscar Wilde lies in the fact that the statue of the Happy Prince, named for his external appearance of happiness and opulence, actually suffers greatly and witnesses the true suffering of the city's poor only after his death. The story contrasts the superficiality of wealth and beauty with the deeper meaning of compassion and selflessness.

In what book does a poor boy become a prince and a prince becone a poor boy?

The Prince and The Pauper

What is the duration of Poor Prince?

The duration of Poor Prince is 1800.0 seconds.

How do you help poor children?

By sending food and money to poor children in poor countries