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Q: Why has lamack theory of evolutio been rejected?
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Why was wegener's theory not accepted by all scientists?

Wegner's theory was not accept because he didn't have much evidence to support his theory with and scientists thought that there might have been a land bridge between the continents. Another reason to why his theory was rejected was that he was a foreigner, by that; the scientists didn't really take him seriously.

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Michael has written a book that has been rejected.

Why has the unit membrane theory been rejected?

The rigid protein layers present on both the sides of the lipid bilayer do not allow substances to pass through the plasma membrane.

If a researcher has their hypothesis rejected what should they do next?

They should go back to the theories on which the hypothesis was based and determine which of them was most likely to have been wrong. This should be followed by either coming up with a modification of the theory or the development of a new theory.

Why has the spontaneous generation been discarded?

This question regards the earlier theories as to the origins of life. This theory came to be rejected as genetics and the biochemical pathways to life came to be understood through evolutionary biology.

What makes a hypothesis become a theory?

A hypothesis is used to make predictions. Experiments are carried out to test these predictions. If the outcome of the experiment was not as predicted then the hypothesis is falsified. It is either rejected or modified. If the outcome of the experiment confirms the prediction then that provides some evidence that the hypothesis is true.Over time, after testing different predictions, there will be a significant amount of evidence in favour of the hypothesis, and all the main alternatives have been rejected. At that stage the hypothesis becomes a theory.

Were impressionists initially rejected by the French Academy?

Of course. Anything new has always been rejected by a conservative establishment.

What is true about scientific theories?

To be a fact the theoretical methods used must be replicatable with the same results.Scientific theories can be rejected by new reliable evidence.They Can Change Over TimeAs a theory, it is unproven.For a scientific theory to deserve that name, it can of course not just be idle speculation. There must a strong suggestion that the claim of the theory is true, but a formal and sound proof has not yet been found.

Are people lesbians because they 've been rejected by men?

Sometimes. But thats only if they were bisexual or pansexual. If a female is attracted to females then she is a lesbian. She doesnt have to have been rejected by men.

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What is a Common theory?

A common theory is a theory which has not been proven or a theory without evidence.

Did the scientists that rejected Wegener's continental drift theory use the scientific process?

Yes, and using what was known about the earth at that time Wegener's continental drift theory was so implausible that it had to be rejected. It took data secretly collected by the US Navy after WW2 to account for strange magnetic anomalies that interfered with precision navigation of warships and submarines to give the first hints of a plausible mechanism. But since this data was classified for a long time it was not available to the scientific community, long delaying acceptance of the theory. When the theory was finally accepted the name had been changed to plate tectonics, because it wasn't the continents drifting it was the plates shifting (both continental and oceanic).