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to see what happend to it

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Q: Why has otto frank returned to the secret annex?
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Related questions

Who was the only survivor from the secret annex?

Only Anne's father Otto survived.

What happen to each member of the secret annex after it is discovered?

After the secret annex was discovered, the members were arrested by the Gestapo and sent to concentration camps. Anne Frank died in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in 1945, just weeks before it was liberated. Otto Frank, Anne's father and the only survivor from the annex, returned to Amsterdam after the Holocaust.

Who survived in the diary of anne frank?

Anne Frank's father, Otto Frank, was the only survivor from the eight occupants of the Secret Annex. He returned to Amsterdam after the war and published Anne's diary.

What was the secret annex used for before World War 2?

The secret annex in Amsterdam was used as office and warehouse space for Otto Frank's spice and pectin business.

Which inhabitants of the secret annex lived and which died in captivity?

Inhabitants who lived in the secret annex were Anne Frank, Otto Frank, Edith Frank, Margot Frank, Hermann van Pels, Auguste van Pels, Peter van Pels, and Fritz Pfeffer. Sadly, all of them except Otto Frank died in captivity during the Holocaust.

Who was the only member of the Secret Annex to survive the concentration camps?

Otto Frank was the only survivor from that group.

How long did it take Otto Frank to prepare the secret annex?

he was preparing for 1 year

WHo Of all the Secret Annex members who survived the Holocaust?

Otto Frank was the only Survivor from that group.

Who survived out of the Secret Annex and the World War 2?

Otto Frank (or in other words Annes father) Mr.Frank

What were the real names of the eight people living in the secret annex?

The Real Names of the People in “The Secret Annex”: Anne Frank, Otto Frank, Edith Frank, Margot Frank, Hermann Van Pels, Auguste Van Pels, Peter Van Pels, and Fritz Pfeffer.

Did Anne Frank and her family survive?

No, sadly Otto Frank (Anne's dad) was the only survivor of the family. He was also the only survivor of the secret annex.

Who were the 8 people that hid in the secret annex?

The 8 people who hid in the secret annex were Anne Frank, Margot Frank, Otto Frank, Edith Frank, Hermann van Pels, Auguste van Pels, Peter van Pels, and Fritz Pfeffer. They hid in the annex during WWII to escape persecution by the Nazis.