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Political parties are dying today because each political party has their own opinion on how to control the country. After so many years these political parties still argued on how to control the country. Today is a new era and the economy is affecting this argument. Until these parties don't agree on something they will die out slowly and soon there won't be any politician sides ( which is for the best).

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12y ago

There are a lot reasons. A couple come to mind:

  • Campaign finance laws have changed that allow 527s and other groups to raise and distribute large sums of money. Prior to the advent of these groups, parties were one of the few ways that federal campaigns could raise a lot of money.
  • Voters are considering themselves to be independents more and more. Perhaps this is part of a cultural shift. This impacts political parties quite a bit.
  • As information about individual candidates because more readily available, political parties role as a filter is lessened.
  • Reforms over the decades have broken up patronage systems where political parties had control over many jobs.

There are a bunch of other reasons too

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12y ago

Monetary problems

Too little support politically (other Political party dominance)

The Media

Inter-party tensions and splits

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14y ago

No one wants to have a complicated system. The less political parties there are, the easier it is to vote for a candidate.

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Q: Why has party organizations declined?
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The reason party organizations vary so much is because America is filled with diversity.

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The reason party organizations vary so much is because America is filled with diversity.

Why do local party organizations vary so widely?

The reason party organizations vary so much is because America is filled with diversity.

Are state party organizations independent of the national party?

yes, i believe so

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The reason party organizations vary so much is because America is filled with diversity.

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Australian Ballot