

Why has the whale shark become so endangered?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Why has the whale shark become so endangered?
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Are whale sharks a fish or a mammal?

The whale shark is the largest living shark, therefore, the largest fish.

Does a whale survive on shark meat?

no because whale is so not into shark meat

Is the humpback whale an endangered whale?

At the moment, the humpback whale is not endangered and it is the least concerned whale. So don't worry!:)

Which is bigger whale or shark?

Well, a whale SHARK is a's the biggest shark, and the biggest fish as well.

What is the rarest type of shark?

i believe it's the megamouth shark.. or the greenland.

How long is the worlds biggest white shark?

The biggest shark on the world is the whale shark because it eats plankton so that is why they named it the whale shark. The whale shark is 12.5m long and weighs 15 tones. The whale shark does not eat humans, but they have eaten 200 people in 100 years. This was only because they did not know we are meat not plankton. Although a couple of years ago 20 student went out to swim, and the whale shark ate 4/20 of them. The whale shark is the biggest shark on the world. People also say that the whale shark lives in the Missisippi River in Texas. So the whale shark is getting extinct because people are hunting on them. So just for your safety BEWARE

Who is related to a shark and a whale?

The shark is a fish and the whale is a mammal. They are not related in any way, so they have no relations in common.

Can a whale shark eat a thresher shark?

A whale shark is a relatively "friendly" shark. It eats plankton and other small organisms. While the thresher shark can easily fit inside the whale sharks mouth, the whale shark has no desire to consume it. So no, it can't eat a thresher shark. It is not fast enough. -MNM

Can a shark eat a blue whale?

Yes, I think it can. I heard that sharks had been killing them and blue whales are endangered so people aren't very impressed with the sharks.

Is the whale shark bigger than the blue whale?

No. Whale sharks are the largest known fish alive today, but blue whales (which are mammals) are the largest known animals. Whale sharks are up to 50 feet long and can weigh over 23 tons, but blue whales are up to 100 feet long and weigh 200 tons.

Is a whale shark a hybrid?

No, whale sharks are not hybrid. They are a species of shark. The reason they are called whale sharks is because they are so large, measuring up to fifty feet long.

When did the whale whale become endangered?

Many whales are endangered, so there is no actual answer for this question. Most whales have become endangered because of whaling, or whale hunting. Here are a few endangered whales: -Humpback (not endangered), over 80,000 left -Blue Whale, between 10,000 and 25,000 left -Fin Whale, only 119,000 left -Sperm Whale, only 360,000 left -Right Whale, 450 North Atlantic Right Whale left, due to harsh whaling (it is named after whalers who called it the "right" whale to catch)