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With the advancements in information technology, usage of computer in one's personal/business life has increased. This has lead to numerous amount of data exchange on social media or online platforms. These critical data exchange which are done for good reason are often used by hackers/cyber criminals to fulfill their bad motives. This generally happens due to bad browsing habits of user, poor security check (password/spam check) on their social media/data exchange platforms. Clicking random links available on internet is not a wise step. As a user, you must always cross check anything that you are using. Don't touch anything that is spammy or unreliable. Do keep strong antivirus/firewall/malware protection software like Malwarebytes, Immunet, Norton, Kaspersky, Bitdefender etc in your system. Update and use them regularly.

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In recent years, information, especially private information, has become more valuable. If a hacker can compromise your security and retrieve this data, large amounts of money can be made. Thus more hackers look to gain this information, and more incidents are reported.

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Q: Why has there been a dramatic increase in the number of computer-related security incidents in recent years?
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What is incedent?

An incident refers to an event or occurrence that is unexpected or unplanned, often resulting in a disruption or problem. It is typically used to describe incidents in various contexts such as workplace incidents, security incidents, or IT incidents.

When must personnel report security incidents?

Personnel must report security incidents immediately after they occur or are discovered. Prompt reporting allows for the timely mitigation of risks, investigation, and appropriate response actions to minimize any potential impact. It is important to follow established protocols and procedures for reporting security incidents within an organization.

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Your Security Manager

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Information Assurance Manager (IAM) Information Assurance Officer (IAO