

Why hasn't my parakeet laid any eggs?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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well most parakeets dont lay eggs right away give him her some time it will come around

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Q: Why hasn't my parakeet laid any eggs?
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It depends on your parakeet. If the parakeet is a female over about 4 months old, they are capable of laying eggs If it does not have a mate, it usually will not lay any eggs, however its possible. Obviously these eggs will be infertile and will not hatch If she does have a mate, they will lay eggs as long as they have access to a nest box and breeding stimulus (such as extended daylight) It is healthy for a parakeet to lay up to 2 clutches of eggs a year. A clutch is usually 4 eggs. Any more than this and the birds health is endangered. Egg-laying uses up the calcium in the female bird (hen), so you will need to provide her with cuttlebone. Dont attempt breeding your birds unless you have thorougly researched it first. good luck

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Well it depends on the situation. My mom had a few parakeets and there was one same couple of parakeets. One day the female parakeet laid 5 eggs. The next day there was only 3 left and the other 3 had been smashed on the floor. Looked like the male parakeet had killed them. But mostly there is a 25% chance of the parents killing the baby parakeets. Hope this was a lot of help.

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