

Why have organisms been reclassified?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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14y ago

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Now taxonomy have become an advanced field . New methods are being developed to investigate and interpret relationships among organism and groups . Cladistic analysis has changed classification and in some instances revolutionized it , for example Reptiles and Birds are being classified as on class .

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9y ago
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14y ago

As new discoveries pertaining to new species and subspecies are made, the original classification has become partially obsolete. So reclassification in the modern era, such as the induction of three all-encompassing Domains has occured. Basically, the system must be revised and reorganized as our understanding of biodiversity increases.

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9y ago

A group of organisms which has been reclassified is the Canis familiaris or in layman's term, refers to the domestic dog. It is now known as Canis lupus familiaris.

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13y ago

There are abot 10 million organisms out of which we know only 2 million.Studying all these organisms one by one is not possible.Thus we group organisims which have similar characteristics.

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10y ago

To eliminate the use of many common names attributed to a particular organism

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