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Q: Why have sanitation workers developed their own slang?
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Why do sanitation workers have their own slang?

Every group usually develops their own slang. It's a combination of jargon needed for the profession and terms used to tie the group together and differentiate them from other workers.

Is there a slang that is specific to a particular group?

Every group has its own slang.

When was slang invented?

Slang has been around for centuries, with origins difficult to pinpoint. It likely developed organically over time as a way for individuals and communities to create their own unique language expressions and identities. The evolution of slang continues today with new terms constantly emerging and evolving.

What does the slang word you own mean?

your the best

What does mean moo mean?

MOO is internet slang for "My Own Opinion"

If you speak slang does that mean you're a chav?

No, everyone speaks some sort of slang. Chavs have their own kind of slang just like everyone else.

Where does the water go in the sink?

After leaving the sink, water goes into the home's main drain,and from there to a street sewer to the sanitation plant or to your own septic tank (which is really a small sanitation plant in itself)

What does i own your picture mean in slang?

I really like you picture(:

What does the scouse slang word ain mean?

meaning 'your own'

Is hi a slangword?

No hi is not a slang word it is its own word

How do social workers get around?

Most , but not all , social workers use their own vehicles .

What does busta mean slang wise?

Busta in slang refers to someone who can hold their own in a situation. Someone who is bound to fail and usually does is referred to as a busta.