

Why hydrogen is not an energy source?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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Ever heard of the hydrogen bomb? It is less stable than you might expect.

The above answer is not really correct. A hydrogen bomb is not related to hydrogen gas in this sense. You can run a car engine off hydrogen gas fairly easily and safely in a controlled environment. The problem is to find a cheap source of hydrogen.

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Does hydrogen have an energy source?

Hydrogen is an element and an energy source itself.

Is Hydrogen a renewable or nonrenewable energy source?

Hydrogen is a nonrenewable source of energy when used for nuclear fusion (which is still not a technologically attainable power generation mechanism). When used as an energy carrier for oxidation (e.g. fuel cell, and internal combustion engine) hydrogen is not an energy source. In such applications, hydrogen is a man-made resource.

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Since there are no significant amounts of free hydrogen, it should be considered more of an energy storage than an energy source. In other words, it takes energy to separate water into hydrogen and oxygen; you get that energy back when the hydrogen is burned.

Is hydrogen is the source of energy?

the answer is yes because if the world ends then hydrogen is an energy source and in some places people are using it already

Why is hydrogen an excellent energy source?

It isn't - there are no large deposits of hydrogen anywhere. Hydrogen can be used for energy STORAGE.

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hydrogen fusion

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Hydrogen is not a renewable fuel. It is a secondary energy source (or an energy carrier) that could be produced using another primary energy source. Hydrogen could be produced using either renewable primary energy source (e.g. solar energy), nuclear energy, or by using fossil fuel (e.g. natural gas)

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The main source of energy of the sun is the fusion of hydrogen to helium.

What is the sun's source of energy?

Fusion Reaction of Hydrogen

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electricity and hydrogen