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Uncooked hamburger would spoil if you tried to store it for a month in a refrigerator, so it needs to go in the freezer.

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Q: If you want to store uncooked hamburger meat for a month you put it in the freezer rather than a refrigerator?
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It would eventually cool to the ambient temperature of the refrigerator which is warmer than a freezer. Therefore it would reduce to being chilled rather than frozen, effectively defrosting, but slower than it would have done outside the refrigerator

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Im quite fussy when it comes to eating poultry and I would say that 3 days is long enough to keep cooked chicken in the freezer once it has been opened anyway. It is the same if you take an uncooked chicken out the freezer and cook it then you can keep the left over chicken in the freezer for a maximum of three days. You have to be really careful with poultry as bacteria grows on it really fast and it is also better to defrost chicken in the fridge rather than at room temperature which was unknown to me until I completed a food hygiene course and they said that room temp is the best temp for bacteria to grow!!

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They will dry out, but not in a good way. They would be freezer-burned rather than freeze-dried.

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If you mean ice as in freezer ice,then yes there is! But here are no ice burgs,snow,ice glaciers or any formed ice,rather then the ice in the freezer.

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Eggs are better kept in the refrigerator, rather than a car.

What will happen to a frozen bread and what while happen to a bread stored at room temperature for few days?

Bread when frozen in colder temperatures such as in the deep freeze rather than in your refrigerator freezer, will actually be better when thawed. Bread frozen in the refrigerator freezer may have more hardened spots. However it is frozen, if you lean the frozen bread on something so that air can hit all sides, there's a chance you'll have no (or less) hardened areas. Fresh bread stored at room temperature will last up to a week, depending on the moisture or humidity. More moisture may cause it to mold quicker.

How long can you keep a turkey frozen.?

A raw turkey should keep for a year in the freezer. If it is cooked, figure on a month.(To answer the Discussion) Cooked turkey will last 3-4 days in the fridge. For best flavor after cooking a turkey, remove the leftover meat from the bones. The bones develop off-flavors rather quickly, so boil them ASAP to make broth. For soup, you can then separate any meat from the bones and add extra meat that you cut off earlier.A frozen, uncooked turkey, can be kept in the freezer up to 8 months. If the turkey has been cooked, the recommended freezer life is 4-6 months. Be sure the turkey is well wrapped so as not to get freezer burn, which will decrease the flavor and vitamin quality.

Is it safe to leave cornbread out overnight?

If you are talking about uncooked ears of corn that were left out of the refrigerator overnight, some of the sugars have probably changed to starches so it won't be so sweet. But it should be OK to cook up and eat. If you are talking about cooked corn that someone forgot to put away, the answer is "No. You should not eat cooked corn left out overnight."

How long Can you keep an turkey in the freezer?

A raw turkey should keep for a year in the freezer. If it is cooked, figure on a month.(To answer the Discussion) Cooked turkey will last 3-4 days in the fridge. For best flavor after cooking a turkey, remove the leftover meat from the bones. The bones develop off-flavors rather quickly, so boil them ASAP to make broth. For soup, you can then separate any meat from the bones and add extra meat that you cut off earlier.A frozen, uncooked turkey, can be kept in the freezer up to 8 months. If the turkey has been cooked, the recommended freezer life is 4-6 months. Be sure the turkey is well wrapped so as not to get freezer burn, which will decrease the flavor and vitamin quality.

How can you remove freezer burnt taste from berries?

If you don't let the berries get freezer burn in the first place, then they will have no such taste. If they aren't in sauce, perhaps rinsing them off might get rid of an off flavor, if it is just a faint stale smell in the freezer itself, rather than actual freezer burn.