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Q: Why is Afghanistan a us ally?
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Why did Britain send troops to Afghanistan?

Britain is a US ally as well as a NATO member they sent troops in response to the US's involvement. They also knew the treat to US interests would eventually spill over to Britain.

When did Osama become a terrorist?

When he betrayed the us he became in our minds a terrorist. He was always a terrorist in some perspective just during the Russian invasion of Afghanistan we helped him out as our ally

Which was more costly soviet in Afghanistan or us Vietnam?

The best answer will be " US in Afghanistan"

How does bin Laden relate to the Cold War?

During the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, in the latter part of the Cold War, bin Laden was (amazingly enough) an ally of the US, and received US military aid to help him oppose the Soviet invasion.

When did Afghanistan start?

The US invaded Afghanistan in 2001!

Is Oman a US ally?

Oman is mainly a British ally.

Why did the US invade and bomb Afghanistan in 2001?

The US invaded Afghanistan in an attempt to wage war on terrorism, as Afghanistan is a hub for terrorists. The US is not at war with Afghanistan, but is working with the country to fight terrorism and keep Afghanistan out of terrorist hands. The same ideology was behind the Iraqi War.

Is Pakistan an ally of the US?

the nato suppliles passing through pakistan is a proved that pakistan is an ally of the us.

Is President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak an ally or enemy of the US?

An ally.

Is the Bahamas a ally or enemy to the US?

It's not a ally or a enemy its a NATO.