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Q: Why is All visible light color light waves together result in longer light?
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Is black all colors put together?

White is the visible expression of all color combined as light. Black is a complete absence of light and therefore color. However, when mixing pigment to obtain a color, mixing all of the primary colors will result in a very dark (black like) color. This is because when you are using tools like markers or paints and you mix it all together, your blob of paint has now absorbed every color and no longer reflects color.

What color in the visible spectrum has a longer wavelength and lower frequency than orange?


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What color of the visible light region has the longer wavelengths?

Red has the longest wavelength, up to 750nm.

Why red is the most visible color?

The color red is the longest wavelength in the visible light spectrum because the less energy a wave carries the longer the wavelength and red carries the least energy of all the colors in the visible spectrum

When purple and pink mix together what is the result color?


When red and blue mix together what is the result color?

The colour is PURPLE!

Which color light has a longer wavelength?

The colour of visible light with the longest wavelength is red (approximately 700 nanometres).

Why red color has maximum wavelength?

This is a bit of a circular answer: Because the "red" color receptors in the human eye respond to the longer wavelengths of visible light more intensely than the "green" or "blue" color receptors do.

What's the color of visible light?

Visible light includes any color that the eye can see.

Is red shortest wavelength?

Yes. The longest visible wavelength / lowest visible frequency is the last color you see on the red end of the 'rainbow'. The shortest visible wavelength / highest visible frequency is the last color you see on the violet end of the 'rainbow'. These limits are not exactly the same for every human eye.

What color reflects wavelengths of the visible spectrum that hit it?

The color white reflects all wavelengths of the visible spectrum. That is why it is the brightest color.