

Best Answer

America is not a country. It is a pair of continents containing around thirty different countries. As such, it may contain the best country in the world, or it may not.

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Q: Why is America the best country in the world?
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No, America is not the biggest country in the world. Russia holds the title as the largest country in the world by land area.

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qatar is the best country in the world it can beat America very easily because America is not so good

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Just wanted to add that very few countries other than America has is it supposed to be 'Which country in the world has the best tasting nuts'? or 'Which state in America has the best tasting nuts?'

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America has the most paintball teams, as well as the most world cup wins

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Being awesome because India is the best country in the world. Screw America

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America was more pereparing for the war 1 and the best !!

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Canada, the second-largest country in the world, is in North America. The largest country in the world is Russia, which is in both Europe and Asia.

Why did America get invovelved in world war 1?

it was policy of America to became one of the strongest country in the world at that time.and the conditions were suitable for America as it was the country having least damage at that America involved in the 1st world war. it was policy of America to became one of the strongest country in the world at that time.and the conditions were suitable for America as it was the country having least damage at that America involved in the 1st world war.

Is Mexico the best country in the world?

There is no such thing as the best country in the world.