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It is so famous because it is written by Anne Frank. It talks about all of her experiences hiding and it is not fake

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Q: Why is Anne diary so widely read and love?
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Is Anne Frank's diary illegal?

No. It is widely read and studied in schools.

What is the worlds second most widely read book?

The Diary of Anne Frank

Who is Harry Goldberg in Anne Frank?

There is no character named Harry Goldberg in Anne Frank's diary. Anne Frank was a Jewish girl who kept a diary while in hiding during the Holocaust. Her diary has been published and is a widely read account of her experiences.

Anne Frank's diary original language?

Anne Frank's diary was originally written in Dutch. It was later translated into numerous languages and is considered one of the most widely read books in the world.

Why was Anne Frank influential?

Her Diary is widely read and presents an intriguing and courageous view of her life at the time of the Holocaust.

Who wrote 'The Diary of Anne Frank?

'The Diary of Anne Frank' was written by Anne Frank, a Jewish girl who kept a diary while hiding from the Nazis during the Second World War. Her diary has become a widely read account of life during the Holocaust.

Did kitty ever read anne Frank's diary?

Kitty was actually the diary obviously the diary didn't read it

How many people did Anne Frank affect?

Everyone who read her story. Whether negative or positive, she had an effect on anyone who knew she existed. "The Diary of Anne Frank" is frequently cited as the most widely read book in the world after The Bible.

Why should people read Anne Frank's diary?

people should read te diary of anne frank because it's a very good story:)

Why is Anne Franks diary still widely read?

Anne Frank's diary is still widely read because it provides a firsthand account of the Holocaust from the perspective of a young girl. It offers valuable insights into the human experience during a time of immense suffering and highlights the importance of empathy, tolerance, and standing up against injustice. Anne's story resonates with readers of all ages, serving as a powerful reminder of the consequences of hatred and discrimination.

What is the date of the first diary entry in the Diary of Anne Frank?

Anne received the diary on her birthday. She wrote about receiving the diary and her birthday and the problems in Belgium and her life.

How many copies of Anne Frank's diary have been sold?

Over 30 million copies of Anne Frank's diary, titled "The Diary of a Young Girl," have been sold worldwide. It has been translated into numerous languages and continues to be a widely read and influential book.