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Q: Why is Antarctica expensive?
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Are hotels in Antarctica expensive?

There are no hotels in Antarctica: there are no commercial enterprises on the continent.

What kind of people visit Antarctica?

scientiststourists but it is very expensive

Was the start of 'the day after tomorow' filmed in antarctica?

In the list of filming locations, below, Antarctica is not listed. It is too expensive and weather-challenging to film a commercial movie in Antarctica.

What is the only mammal that can live in Antarctica?

With expensive logistical support, only humans can live on the Antarctic continent.

What do you need to do to be able to go Antarctica?

You can go to Antarctica as a tourist if you can afford it: cruises being among some of the most expensive cruises on earth. Or you can go to Antarctica and work in support of science, by applying to your government's representative in Antarctica. The USA government's representative in Antarctica is the National Science Foundation. Finally, you can go to Antarctica as a science if you are funded by your government to investigate a question pertaining to the health of planet earth.

What is the only warmblooded animal in Antarctica?

There is no native animal that survives in Antarctica: it's too cold there to support any kind of food chain. However, humans -- with expensive logistical support from their governments, complete scientific research on the continent.

How chilly and expensive is an Antarctica cruise?

The cruise will be a little bit more expensive than a tropical one simply because of the preparations needed upon the ship. It will be colder, but if you dress appropriately, you won't have any problems.

How much would a flight from Tasmania to Antarctica cost?

There is no commercial air service to anywhere on the Antarctic continent, except perhaps for expensive fly-overs.

Why is smoking bad in Antarctica?

The air in Antarctica that you pull into your lungs with each inhale is a challenge for your body to handle, given its low temperature. Adding foreign pathogens to the extreme cold air can place demands on your lungs, unnecessarily. Because Antarctica is so dry, a lit cigarette will burn much faster, so paying for smoking there can become very expensive.

What continent lies south west of Australia?

Antarctica Antarctica Antarctica Antarctica Antarctica Antarctica Antarctica Antarctica

What continent has no country?

Antarctica is the continent with no officially recognized countries. It is governed by an international treaty that sets it aside as a scientific preserve for research and environmental protection.

What is the largest county in Antarctica?

The largest "county" in Antarctica is Alexander Island, which is an ice-covered landmass located near the western coast of the continent. However, it's important to note that Antarctica is not divided into traditional counties like in other regions, as it is governed by the Antarctic Treaty System.