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Q: Why is Benedicts test considered to be a semi-quantitative test rather than quantitative test?
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Why is quantitative observation more useful than a non-quantitative one?

Because quantitative observations focus on Money or quantity rather than the opposite. Hope that makes sense.

What is an example of quantitative measurement?

data or information that is measured numerically rather than qualitatively.

Was a quail egg common in ancient Rome?

Yes, they were rather expensive as they were considered a delicacy.Yes, they were rather expensive as they were considered a delicacy.Yes, they were rather expensive as they were considered a delicacy.Yes, they were rather expensive as they were considered a delicacy.Yes, they were rather expensive as they were considered a delicacy.Yes, they were rather expensive as they were considered a delicacy.Yes, they were rather expensive as they were considered a delicacy.Yes, they were rather expensive as they were considered a delicacy.Yes, they were rather expensive as they were considered a delicacy.

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Aristotle's predictions of heavenly motion were qualitative rather than quantitative. He described the motion of celestial bodies in terms of their natural behavior and relationships rather than using mathematical equations or measurements.

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This procedure is qualitative because it focuses on gathering descriptive data and understanding the quality or characteristics of a phenomenon rather than measuring it numerically. Quantitative procedures involve collecting numerical data for statistical analysis.

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Skin color is considered a quantitative trait because it is controlled by multiple genes and influenced by environmental factors, resulting in a wide range of variation. This variation is continuous, rather than being determined by a single gene with distinct categories. Quantitative traits typically show a spectrum of phenotypes rather than discrete categories.

What is the advantage of direct microscopic count?

You get an accurate answer with it rather than using semi quantitative methods to get estimated results.

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A qualitative property is one that defines something based on characteristics such as color or density. It refers to the description of a substance rather than a measurement of that substance. A quantitative property deals measurements of a given substance and can be expressed as a number or quantity.

Which is considered a spice rather than an herb?

Cinnamon is considered to be a spice rather than a herb.

Is the pathognomonic-intervention continuum a qualitative study or quantitative study by Jordan and Stanovich?

The pathognomonic-intervention continuum proposed by Jordan and Stanovich is a theoretical framework rather than a specific study. It outlines the spectrum of diagnostic decisions clinicians make, ranging from clear-cut (pathognomonic) to more uncertain (intervention) cases. This framework is qualitative in nature, focusing on the nature of diagnostic reasoning rather than quantitative data collection or analysis.

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The interest is in getting quality information. This is instead of having a lot of information like other studies might do.

Can a mean be calculated for every sample?

Not if the attribute recorded in qualitative rather than quantitative. If you ask a group of people what their favourite fruit is, a mean of their answers has no meaning.