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because the war was coming

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1mo ago

Camp Evacuated in the book "Night" by Elie Wiesel refers to the evacuation of prisoners from the concentration camp by the SS as Allied forces approached. The evacuation was carried out to prevent the prisoners from being liberated by the advancing troops. The prisoners were forced to march long distances, facing brutal conditions and many perished during the evacuation.

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What ironic situation occured as the camp was evacuated in the book night?

It's ironic that 2 days after elie left the camp the Russians liberated everyone who stayed behind.

In the book Night What happened during the air raid?

During the air raid in the book "Night" by Elie Wiesel, the prisoners were evacuated from the camp and forced to undertake a long and difficult march to another camp. Many prisoners died during this chaotic and traumatic evacuation process, and those who survived faced even harsher conditions in the new camp.

Who was Buchenwald in the book Night by Elie Wiesel?

Buchenwald was a concentration camp.

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In the book "Night" by Elie Wiesel, the last thing the head of the block ordered the men to do before evacuating was to clean the block and leave it spotless. This was a cruel irony, as it was clear that the men were being moved to a concentration camp with little concern for their well-being.

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What did Elie describe the concentration camp as being in the book night?

it was tough and sad.

What was the camp's motto in the book night?

The motto of the camp in the book "Night" was "Arbeit macht frei," which translates to "work sets you free." This phrase was displayed at the entrance of Auschwitz and other Nazi concentration camps as a cruel and deceptive message to the prisoners.

What was the purpose of Birkenau in the book Night?

it is a death camp meant to be used to exterminate the Jew's.

In the book Night what do the men of the camp do to celebrate Rosh Hashanah?

they meet as a group to pray

What is the new camp where Elie and his father are transferred to in the book Night?

In the book "Night", Elie and his father are transferred to the Buna camp, a subcamp of Auschwitz, where they are forced to perform hard labor and endure harsh conditions.

Where did the prisoners in the book Night finally stop their march?

The prisoners in the book Night finally stopped their march at the Buchenwald concentration camp in Germany.