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Probably because some people refer to tattoos as a 'tramp stamp', and the makers don't think it is appropriate to be showing it. A squeaky clean image has to be achieved in such ads for products like this.

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Q: Why is Davina McCall's wrist tattoo hidden in the nice and easy adverts?
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Where is the hidden object in the tattoo quiz?

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Is it true that Justin bieber has a real tattoo?

No he doesn't. On a reason trip to the Bahamas Justin was spotted with no tattoo. The only place he could have a tattoo would be somewhere hidden under his swimming trunks.

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weapon, ear piercing, tattoo, whistle

Where on a girl is a good place to get a small tattoo other than lower back or above the hip bone if it needs to be hidden?

Small Hideable TattooOn a female, any tattoo that complements the curves of your body will look great. If the tattoo moves with you and not against you, you cant go wrong. Think about when the tattoo needs to be hidden, at work? around family? all the time? If it isn't all the time you can hide a tattoo anywhere with enough creativity. Try somewhere on your chest, even ankle or shoulder. if it does need to be hdden all the time than maybe you should reconsider the point in your life that you are getting tattooed. Perhaps it is an act that could wait a couple years.

If you want to work as a psychiatrist can you get a tattoo that says True Love Waits on your wrist and cover it with a watch or something?

You could, but if you really want a tattoo why not get it where you can really hide it and not on the wrist? I have 14 tattoos and am a professional in education, but all of my tats can be hidden. The wrist is will show and there are people out there that are against tattoos in any shape or form. A watch moves, a long sleeve moves, so you can't count on it staying hidden. Find another place.

Your girlfriend wants a tattoo why are you mad?

Beacase they permanantly mark their skin for LIFE!!!!! Get tattoos in places that can not be seen when you are wearing clothes you wear to work. If they are hidden and you like them then do what makes you happy :]

How to Choose Where to Have Your Tattoo?

A tattoo is for life, so after deciding what you will have, the next most important decision is going to be where on your body you will have it done. After all, you may decide you want it where others can see it, or you may prefer a place that is well hidden. So here’s how to decide on the perfect spot for your tattoo. -Step 1: Hidden or not hidden This is your obvious decision. If you want a tattoo to show off, then choose a spot that others can see, your ankle, your neck, your arm, etc. It also depends on the kind of clothes you normally wear. If you wear cropped tops, you could tattoo your lower back or your stomach. If you want to hide it, then you may choose to tattoo your back, or your chest. -Step 2: Size of tattoo Of course how big you want your tattoo to be will also determine where on your body you can have it done. If you want a huge tattoo, then your ankle isn’t going to be the obvious choice. A tiny tattoo might look out of place on your shoulder. -Step 3: Pain It isn’t something you may consider, but some places on your body are going to hurt more than others, the top of the foot and ankle are quite bad, so is behind the ear, so consider how much pain you can take. -Step 4: Think of the future If you get a tattoo on your stomach, then in 40 years it’s going to look pretty wrinkly and saggy as your skin sags. Also remember tattoos lose their color, so what looks vibrant and sexy now, may look faded and old in a few years. Once you have chosen the perfect spot for your tattoo, you can now consider which tattooist to use, you want to have an experienced one, it’s bound to hurt a lot less if the tattooist knows what they are doing. A tattoo is going to hurt no matter what happens, unless you have no pain receptors at all, but as long as you know what you are getting yourself in for then there will be no surprises.

What do you call a place where you can get a tattoo?

Tattoo shop, tattoo parlor

What is a Texas tattoo?

A texas tattoo can be of two thingsA tattoo you got in TexasA tattoo you got about Texas

Can a man have a unicorn tattoo?

A man can have any tattoo that he wants. If he wants a unicorn tattoo, then he can get a unicorn tattoo.

Where can someone get a butterfly tattoo?

You can get a butterfly tattoo at any local tattoo artist shop. This tattoo is the most common tattoo and you will find many examples of the artwork on the wall and in the tattoo artist's portfolio.