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Q: Why is Earth the only planet capable of supporting the Big Bang Theory?
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What other planet besides Earth has an atmosphere that can support life?

No planet that we know of other than Earth is capable of supporting life.

Why is earth called the grand oasis?

In our solar system the earth is the only planet capable of supporting life much as an oasis is the place in the desert that is able to support life.

Which planet would be the best planet to live on?

So far the answer is Earth... But we are still looking around...

What is a unique feature of earth?

capable of supporting life

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No, you can't live on the Asteroid Ceres, it doesn't have enough sunlight or a protective atmosphere to support a living being. The only known planet to be capable of supporting life in the planet earth.

Is Kepler 22b a real planet and does it have life?

Kepler-22b is indeed a real planet. While some evidence suggests that it may be capable of supporting life, we currently have now way of detecting if it does. So far Earth is still the only known planet to have life.

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the part of the earth and its atmosphere in which living organisms exist or that is capable of supporting life.

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What planet other than earth is unfavorable for supporting life?

pluto <<>> All of them.

Why is the sun called the goldilocks planet?

The sun is not called the Goldilocks planet. The term "Goldilocks planet" refers to a planet that is neither too hot nor too cold, and is capable of supporting liquid water on its surface, like Earth. The sun is actually a star, not a planet, and it is too hot to support life on its own.

How far from planet earth will planet x be at closest point?

Planet X does not exist. It was only a theory.