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Edward Jenner performed the first smallpox vaccination and founded the science of immunology.

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Q: Why is Edward Jenner famous for medicine?
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What was edward Jenner famous for?

He was famous for for creating Smallpox Vaccine.


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What did Edward Jenner contribute to health care or medicine?

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What are 3 reasons edward Jenner is famous?

inventing vaccine for smallpox

Why is Edward Jenner famous in the field of microbiology?

the vaccination for small pox

Edward Jenner is most famous into which vaccine?

Edward Jenner is most well known for performing the first cowpox vaccination that was then widely used. Others had done the same thing with cowpox, but Jenner's was the first to become widely known.

Where did Edward jenner come from?

Edward Jenner came from England.

Did Edward Jenner marry?

Yes, Edward Jenner did marry.

Who was the first person to discover vaccinations?

Edward Jenner

What was Jenner famous for?

Edward Jenner was famous for developing the smallpox vaccine. Not only was the vaccine paramount in decreasing the number of cases of smallpox until it was eradicated from the earth, but it was also the first vaccine.

Did people support the Edward Jenner idea of advancing medicine?

no they did not agree with the advancement of his medical studies. they potrayed it as wizardry

Is there a museum named after Edward Jenner?

The Edward Jenner Museum, in the home where Jenner lived most of his life, is named for him.