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because it is belived that Jesus died on that day. and the Romans think it is a day of destruction.

Friday the thirteenth is considered to be unlucky because it is the day that the Roman Catholic Church chose to murder/assassinate every single member and supporter of the Knights Templar. They very nearly succeeded in making the entire Order of the Knights Templar extinct.

But despite all of this, ya'll shouldn't be hatin' all up on Friday the thirteenths

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Q: Why is Friday the thirteenth considered to be an unlucky day?
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Why is Friday traditionally considered an unlucky day by people in Christian countries?

Friday is not considered an unlucky day by people in Christian countries. Some superstitious people consider Friday the 13th an unlucky day.

Is Friday the thirteenth actually evil?

No. Friday the thirteenth is considered to be unlucky because it is the day that the Roman Catholic Church chose to murder/assassinate every single member and supporter of the Knights Templar. They very nearly succeeded in making the entire Order of the Knights Templar extinct.The day itself has no particular negative properties, it's just another day.

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Some sailors' believe Friday is an unlucky day to begin a voyage. This is because some may believe that Jesus Christ was crucified on a Friday.

How many modern people actually believe that Friday the Thirteenth is an unlucky day?

Being wary of Friday the 13th is the unluckiest day of the year 21 million suffer a fear of bad luck it is thought to be a modern interpretation of the event.

Why are people scared of Friday the 13th?

Friday the 13th, also referred to as Black Friday in some countries, is considered an unlucky day in Western superstition.

Why is Friday the 13th supposedly an unlucky day?

Friday is considered unlucky because Jesus was crucified on Friday, but in Greece and the Spanish-speaking world, Tuesday is considered the unluckiest day of the week because the Ottoman Turks conquered Constantinople on a Tuesday (May 29, 1453).

When is the unluckey day?

the unlucky day is Friday the 13th

What is the most unluckiest day?

Friday the thirteenth.

If Friday 13 is unlucky is there a lucky day apart from st patrick's day?

No Friday the 13 is only unlucky in October and St. partricks day is in March. well i it is.

For a month to have its thirteenth day land on a Friday what day of the week must it start with?

In order for a month to have it's thirteenth (13th) day land on a Friday the month most start on a SUNDAY.

What day is the most unlucky day to get married in Ireland?

goog friday

What could happen if you were born on the13th and your next birthday was on Friday and your were turning 13?

If you're going to turn thirteen on Friday 13th, what could happen, and will happen, is you'll become a teenager on that day. You could have a Friday the Thirteenth party, maybe. Lots of people have fun with the so-called unlucky date, which isn't really unlucky at all, so nothing bad happens on that day, just as no witches land their broomsticks on your roof on Halloween, and people who walk under ladders don't usually die from it. The next Friday that falls on the thirteenth of the month is May 2011; if that's your birthday, happy birthday for then!