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Q: Why is Grease so hard to wash from hands using only water what does this tell us about the intermolecular forces in grease?
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Related questions

Does wiping grease off your pants actually take the grease off?

No, but it will clear built-up amounts from your hands to some degree. The only way to remove grease from your hands is to wash them with soap and water or a degreasing cleaner.

Can you get waves with hair grease?

Its very difficult, and you would need to get a lot of grease and then use your hands to form the waves

How do you get greasey work clothes cleaner?

use the grease remover that you use to get the grease off your hands it really works:]

Why does using soap help you wash grease off of your hands?

Soap cleanses youre greasy hands like this. When soap is rubbed on youre greasy hands, the molecules seperate and break up the grease. And when water is used, it washes away both the soap and grease.

What mineral leaves black grease on your hands?

i think that it is magnetite

Why are your hands gross after petting a dog?

Fur on your hands because of shedding and of the dog hasn't had a bath in a while, the grease.

What does soap do?

Soap washes off all the bacteria and grease off your hands and where ever else you use it!

Dunkin Donuts use wax lined bags instead of white paper bags?

because wax helps keep the grease stay inside the bag. and then your hands only get grease from picking up the donuts!!! simples!!

How did pioneers treat burns on their hands in five steps?

They used lard or grease and wrapped the burn with a piece of cloth.

What can you use to get grease stains out of clothes?

The best way to get grease out of clothes is to wash the soiled garment immediately. If cool water and laundry soap do not remove the stain, dish soap - which is made for cutting grease - is often the best option.

Why is it so difficult to climb a greasy pole?

because the grease slips off your hands and pole and is too slippy to climb.

What is an apron used in a kitchen?

An apron protects your clothes from food or grease splatters. You can also use an apron to dry your hands on.