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Catholic AnswerSt. Paul in his first letter to the Corinthians (11:29-30) points out that if you receive Holy Communion either unworthily (in a state of sin) or unknowingly (without discerning that you are receiving the actual Body and Blood of Christ), it is extremely detrimental to people, even resulting in death in some cases (verse 30). Our Blessed Lord is extremely generous in forgiving sins- that was the whole point of his death on the cross. However, the normal way in which He has set up for this forgiveness to actually be administered is through the sacrament of confession. People outside of the Catholic faith believe neither in the actual Body and Blood of Our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, in the Most Holy Eucharist, nor in Christ's ability to forgive sins through His appointed priests. Thus they have no way of fixing either of these obstacles that exist, which St. Paul has pointed out, to receive Holy Communion.
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Q: Why is Holy Eucharist for Catholics only?
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first communion, first eucharist, eucharist, body and blood, bread and wine, etc.

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Catholics celebrate the Eucharist every Sunday at mass.

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Holy Thursday celebrates the institution of the Eucharist.

Do you receive Jesus each time you receive Holy Communion?

Yes. Catholics receive the entire person of Jesus in the Eucharist: Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity.

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Only Christians and Catholics do.

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A Church founded by Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary as our mother, and most importantly we have the Eucharist!