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Q: Why is Inter national Date line is zig zag?
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Is the international date line 180 degrees or zero degrees?

Nominally 180° longitude, although it does zig and zag from that line in several places.

What is the imaginary line running through the pacific ocean at about 180 degree longitude?

International Date Line; however, it does zig-zag around some political boundaries.

What is the difference between a jagged line and a zig zag line?


How do you cut zig zag shape out of the paper?

There are special scissors called 'pinking shears' that cut with a zig-zag line.

What are the general properties of the elements in the group to the right of the periodic table?

Generally, the elements to the right of the zig zag line on the periodic table are non-metals, elements to the left of the zig zag line on the periodic table are metals, and elements on the zig zag line are metalloids with the exception of aluminum, which is a metal.

What are the general properties of the elements in the group to the right in the periodic table'?

Generally, the elements to the right of the zig zag line on the Periodic Table are non-metals, elements to the left of the zig zag line on the periodic table are metals, and elements on the zig zag line are metalloids with the exception of aluminum, which is a metal.

Which nonmetal is not located to the right of the zig zag line?


Where on the periodic table are the metals located?

in the zig zag line

How many different line designs are there?

The different type of line designs are zig zag, parallel, dotted, dashed, perpendicular, curved, straight and wavy. The most used line designs are zig zag, dotted and straight.

What does the zig zag line on the periodic table spearte?

The zig zag lie comprises of metalloids. They separate transition elements and non-metals.

What does the zig-zag line on the right side of the table separate?


Is the zig zag line on the periodic table halogens?

no, they are the semimetals/metalloids.