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Today, Caucasians own most TV channels, so they try to make Jesus look like them.

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Q: Why is Jesus depicted having blonde hair and blue eyes?
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What does Mary look like in little house big woods?

In "Little House in the Big Woods," Mary is described as having blue eyes and light brown hair. She is known for being sweet, kind, and gentle in nature. Throughout the book, she is depicted as a responsible and helpful older sister to Laura.

Does Mary magdalene have blonde hair?

Yes! She is almost always depicted with long flaxen or reddish hair, blue eyes, and pale rosy skin in traditional Christian art.

Why might the painter have depicted Rama as having blue skin?

To associate Rama with Hindu god Vishnu

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Generally they are percieved as being pale skinned, having blonde hair and blue eyes.

Why is the pulmonary artery depicted blue?

It carries deoxygenated blood which is depicted blue to differentiate it from oxygenated blood which is a brighter red.

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cos she has blue hair and blonde eyes cos she has blue hair and blonde eyes

What is the significance of color blue?

Blue is the color traditionally associated with the Blessed Virgin Mary. In liturgical art, as well as in classical art, Mary the mother of Jesus is almost invariably depicted wearing a mantle or cloak of cerulean-, to sky-, to sapphire-blue.

Can you make your baby have blue eyes and blonde hair?

If you have blue eyes and blonde hair, conceiving a baby with someone who also has blue eyes and blonde hair will provide the greatest likelihood. These are both recessive genes.

What is the most flattering hair color for an ivory complexion?

Flaxen Blonde, Very Light Ash Blonde, Level 9, Base Blue-Violet Flaxen Blonde, Very Light Ash Blonde, Level 9, Base Blue-Violet Flaxen Blonde, Very Light Ash Blonde, Level 9, Base Blue-Violet

Are blue eyes better with blonde or black hair?

I think blue eyes go good with blonde or brown hair.

Can Jewish people have blonde hair and blue eyes?

Yes, Jewish people can have a variety of physical characteristics, including blonde hair and blue eyes. Judaism is a religion that is followed by people from diverse ethnic backgrounds, so physical appearance can vary among Jewish individuals.

What is Jane Goodalls favorite color?

brown. it was brown.