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He was born this way baby.

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Q: Why is Joey Ritcher from Starkids' jaw crooked?
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Why is joey Richter's mouth crooked?

Joey Richter is part of a group called StarKid, who make musicals together. They have made plenty of hilarious ones, including A Very Potter Musical (AVPM), Starship, and Me and My Dick. Joey Richter is the actor that plays Ron in AVPM, Bug in Starship, and, well, Joey Richter is Me and My Dick.Joey Richter's mouth is slightly askew, or moved over to one side, because he is missing a bone in his jaw. He was not punched in the face really hard, I promise! ;)Go team StarKid!

Dislocated my lower jaw?

i was blowng up a small balloon and my jaw popped and i got a sharpain it felt like i could not open or close my mouth and it was crooked so i pushed it back the pain went away but now my jaw is swollen like i have an abcessed tooth and it is sore

What happens if you don't get braces when you need them?

if you have good teeth, nothing, but if they are crooked, they will stay that way and you might get some teeth pulled. And also if not treated you will later get jaw pain.

What was crookedstar's kit name?

Because when he was an apprentice, he had a crooked jaw.

Is this normal to have your braces on for a year and a half if you only had two crooked back teeth and a slight over bite?

Yes, And there might be a problem with the alignment of your jaw two...? That what it i with me, My teeth aren't that bad but there gonna be on Over a year and a half.

Where are the strong points of a crocodile?

in his Jaw in his Jaw in his Jaw

What is the jaw called?

Upper jaw is a maxilla, and the lower jaw is a mandible.

What is the correct name for a jaw?

jaw/jaw bone idiot

What is jaw cancer?

jaw cancer is a type of jaw sickness.

Is there a body part that starts with the letter J?

Jaw I am Kirstin, The answer is Joint. Have a GREAT Valentines Day!!!!!!!

Which airway technique will prevent movement of the head spinal cord and neck.?

Jaw-Thrust Technique

Are jedward identical?

Pretty much. But there are ways to tell them apart: John is an inch taller, his jaw is more square, his cheek bones are a bit higher, he has more muscle, his lips are plumper, and his two front teeth are crooked. Edward has a "v" shaped jaw, has thinner eyebrows, has a narrower face, and his teeth are straight. If you still can't figure out which one's which, John usually sits on the left and Edward on the right.