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Because he has one of the most well preserved tombs of any pharaoh not to mention grave robbers never found his tomb

It also allows us to peer into the bodies of adolescents of the time period versus adults

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Q: Why is King Tutankhamun so important if he did not do anything?
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How was King Tutankhamun so important in his time?

because he was rich

Why is King Tutankhamun so important?

He was one of the only pharaohs who's tomb was discovered untouched

What made King Tutankhamun so important?

he was the only persons tomb that wasn't robbed by graverobbers.

Why is King Tutankhamun's tomb so important?

It is so important because it was untouched. Nothing had been harmed or robbed or even look at until it was found?

Why was the inlaid diadem important to King Tutankhamun?

it was used to show that he has king and sorta as a head band so no hair got in or near his eyes

Was King Tutankhamun cruel?

maybe not so sure

How old was King Tutankhamun whaen he ruled?

King Tutankhamun's father died when he was 81/2, so he started ruling when he was about 9 years old.

Why was King Tutankhamun tomb important?

King Tuts Tomb was important because it wasn't found and that means it wan't touch. so many gold and silver

What is King Tutankhamun leadership style?


How King Tutankhamun became king?

He was the eldest son of Akhenaten and his unkown wife so he was chosen to be king

Why is the discovery of Tutankhamun so important?

Because of the treasures

What is the mystery of King Tutankhamun?

I believe that the mystery of king tut is that he was so young that he was the greatest pharaoh ever.