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Its not bad for you. There has been no evidence to suggest it is harmful to the body or mind. Albert Hoffman (the man who discovered it) used it most of his life and lived to be 102. LSD is one of the least toxic drugs known.

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Q: Why is LSD bad for you?
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Related questions

What is another name for a bad trip on LSD?

There are no bad LSD trips. Some are not quite as good as others. It is good gear

Is acid lsd bad for you if you know how to use it and never have a bad trip?

Physically, no, LSD is not bad for you. However, you can have a bad trip regardless of if you know how to use it or not and these trips may cause anxiety, depression, and flashbacks.

What are symptoms of overdose on LSD?

Having a very bad "trip."

What can you get from Ohio?

Herpes, LSD, and if you're really lucky, a bad case of meningitis.

Does LSD go bad?

Assumption: you are referring to the potency of the effect of the chemical when you ingest it. Yes, like any chemical, the potency of LSD will diminish over time as the chemical breaks down into its constituent parts.

How is LSD harmful?

The most common problem with LSD is the "bad trip" experience where they experience extreme fear, paranoia, depression or panic. If LSD is used regularly it often causes mental illnesses. Some people complain that they suffer flashbacks long after a trip.

Can you take LSD when taking steroids?

Yes you can because it does not react with the steriods at all.

Is it dangerous to take LSD with pseudoephedrine?

no but you will have a horrible experience. its not dangerious mixing the 2 drugs but when your on LSD you need something to calm you down, such as a immovane, or benadryl, or pot or seraquil even, LSD will make you SUPER HYPER, you will litrely not be able to finish your thought fully, mixing it with an uper is BAD NEWS.

What are all the names for LSD?


What chemicals are in LSD?

The chemical in LSD is LSD. LSD-25 is the chemical. It stands forLysergic acid diethylamide

What does it mean when me and all of my friends took lsd an they end up going to the hospital for a bad trip an I didint?

If you and all of your friends took LSD and they ended up going to the hospital for a bad trip and you didn't you probably weren't around them when they were brought to the hospital or you seemed lucid enough to convince them you were sober.

What does acid make you do while on it?

Acid (LSD) makes a person hallucinate. Some "trips" can be sound; but equally, LSD can be dangerous. For instance, a bad trip can have a very detrimental effect on one's long term mental health.