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Q: Why is Lake Huron important in Canada?
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What is the longest lake in Canada?

Lake Huron

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On which continent are Lake Huron and Lake Superior located?

You asked this in the "Canada" section. Therefore you know that lake Huron and lake superior form a part of Canada. Now if you know that Canada is in Northern America, then you have your answer...

Is Lake Huron north south east or west of Lake Michigan?

Lake Erie is South of Lake Huron

How many states border Lake Huron both in the US and in Canada?

Only one state has a border in Lake Huron. Canada does not have any states.

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What is. Huron?

Lake Huron is one of the four Great Lakes between the United States and Canada. It is located between Lake Michigan and Lake Erie.

What Lake is Lake Huron located on?

It is one one of the great lakes! So it is near Michigan. (North East America) (lower east Canada)

What kind of lakes and rivers does Canada have?

Lake Erie, Lake superior, lake Huron

What is Huron's neighbor?

Lake Huron is one of the four Great Lakes between the United States and Canada. It is located between Lake Michigan and Lake Erie.

How many states border Lake Huron name them?

Canada borders Lake Huron which is not in the US, but is in North America. Also the state of Michigan in the United States of America which borders Lake Huron to the south.

What are the names for the 5 grate lakes?

The 4 Great Lakes that share a border with the United States and Canada are Lake Huron, Lake Eerie, Lake Superior, and Lake Ontario. The fifth Great Lake is Lake Michigan, but Canada does not border it.