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because he insulted him

According to Montresor in his opening line: THE thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge.
Fortunato was vain and one night he got drunk and apparently shamed Montresor's family name.

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1mo ago

Montresor seeks revenge against Fortunato because he believes Fortunato has insulted him in some way. The specifics of the insult are not explicitly revealed in the story, but Montresor's desire for revenge and his feeling of being wronged are evident throughout the narrative.

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10y ago

Montresor believes that Fortunato has insulted him and his family for some time. The rambling of Montresor in telling of this and the friendliness with which Fortunato greets Montresor at the carnival makes it seem as if Montresor has imagined the insults.

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10y ago

The story doesn't say exactly, but it is said that Fortunato had insulted Montresor.

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9y ago

Fortunato has also insulted him.

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11y ago

He trapped fortunato

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Q: Why is Montresor seeking revenge against Fortunato in 'The Cask of Amontillado'?
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Montresor has a conflict with Fortunato in "The Cask of Amontillado." Montresor seeks revenge against Fortunato for some unspecified insult, leading him to lure Fortunato into the catacombs with the promise of sampling a cask of rare Amontillado wine.

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The inciting cause in "The Cask of Amontillado" is when Montresor reveals that he has been insulted by Fortunato but has been patient in seeking his revenge. This revelation sets the events of the story in motion, leading Montresor to plot and carry out the murder of Fortunato.

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The main character, Montresor, seeks revenge against Fortunato for an insult. He lures Fortunato into his family catacombs under the guise of tasting a rare wine called Amontillado, ultimately trapping and murdering him.

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In "The Cask of Amontillado," Montresor lures Fortunato into his family's catacombs under the pretense of tasting a rare wine called Amontillado. Once they are deep inside, Montresor chains Fortunato to a wall and walls him in, leaving him to die. This act is revenge for some unspecified insult that Fortunato has committed against Montresor.

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Fortunato's crime against Montresor is not explicitly stated in Edgar Allan Poe's "The Cask of Amontillado." However, it is suggested that Fortunato may have insulted or wronged Montresor in some way, prompting Montresor's desire for revenge.

Who is the narrator in 'The Cask of Amontillado'?

The narrator in "The Cask of Amontillado" is Montresor. He tells the story of his revenge against Fortunato for an insult he endured. Throughout the story, Montresor manipulates Fortunato into following him to the catacombs where he ultimately traps and walls him up alive.

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Four conflicts in "The Cask of Amontillado" include the internal conflict of Montresor's desire for revenge against Fortunato, the external conflict between Montresor and Fortunato as they journey through the catacombs, the conflict between Montresor's manipulative behavior and Fortunato's drunkenness, and the conflict between Montresor's deception and Fortunato's realization of his impending doom.

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In "The Cask of Amontillado," the main character Montresor seeks revenge against Fortunato for an insult. Montresor manipulates Fortunato's pride and ultimately leads him to his death in the catacombs. The conflict between the two characters is driven by Montresor's deception and betrayal of Fortunato's trust.

The Cask of Amontillado Fortunato birthday?

In "The Cask of Amontillado," Montresor seeks revenge against Fortunato for past insults. Montresor lures Fortunato into the catacombs with the promise of sampling Amontillado, a rare wine, only to trap and entomb him alive. The story explores themes of betrayal, manipulation, and the consequences of seeking vengeance.

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In "The Cask of Amontillado," the conclusion reveals that Montresor successfully carries out his plan for revenge by walling up Fortunato alive. The story ends with Montresor feeling satisfied that he has finally gotten his revenge for the perceived insults he endured from Fortunato.

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The narrator of "The Cask of Amontillado" is Montresor. He tells the story of how he seeks revenge on Fortunato, ultimately leading to Fortunato's demise.

In 'The Cask of Amontillado' who killed Fortunato?

Montresor is the one who kills Fortunato in "The Cask of Amontillado" by Edgar Allan Poe. Montresor lures Fortunato into the catacombs under the guise of tasting a rare wine, then walls him up alive as revenge for an insult.