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Ross is trying to comfort Lady Macduff because he sympathizes with her plight and wants to offer her some support in her time of distress. He knows that her husband has fled the country, leaving her vulnerable and alone, so he tries to provide her with some solace and assurance.

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Q: Why is Ross trying to comfort Lady Macduff?
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How are Ross and Lady Macduff related?

They are cousins.

How ross and lady macduff related?

They are cousins.

What does Shakespeare achieve with the conversation between Ross and Lady Macduff?

Shakespeare's dialogue between Ross and Lady Macduff makes readers begin to like the mother and son. Once you find them appealing and likable, he then kills them off.

Who did Duncan send to give Macbeth the new title?

Ross. Ross always seems to be a messenger. When we first meet him he has travelled all the way north to Forres from Fife to report about a battle which has been going on down there. Later we see him bringing a warning to Lady Macduff and then as a messenger bringing the news of Lady Macduff's death to Macduff.

How did Ross probably feel when he was trying to tell Macduff about the fate of his family?

Ross likely felt conflicted and burdened when he informed Macduff about the fate of his family. He may have experienced a mix of guilt, sorrow, and the responsibility of delivering such tragic news to Macduff.

What is the cast of Macbeth?

Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Banquo, Fleance, Duncan, Malcolm, Donalbain, Macduff, Lady Macduff, their son, Lennox, Ross, Siward, Young Siward, the Porter, the Doctor, the Waiting Woman, and a number of messengers.

What does ross suggest lady Macduff do?

He tells her to stay put and wait until there is more information. Bad advice.

What news does ross give macduff?

Ross informs Macduff that Macduff's family has been murdered on the orders of Macbeth.

Who is Macduff?

Ross !

What news does ross bring to Macduff?

Ross brings the news from Scotland concerning the massacre of macduff's family

How does macduff receive the news of his family's murder?

Macduff blames himself for their death (because he left them unprotected).

Who told Macduff?

Macduff learns of his family's murder from Ross in William Shakespeare's play "Macbeth." Ross reveals to Macduff the tragic news of his wife and children's deaths, prompting Macdujson to vow revenge against Macbeth.