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As per the Patron Saint Index, there is no patron saint of chocolate. However, Drogo is the patron saint of:
against bodily ills
against broken bones,
against deafness
against dumbness
against gall stones
against hernias
against illness
against insanity,
against mental illness,
against muteness
against ruptures
against sickness
coffee house keepers
coffee house owners
deaf people
mentally ill people
mute people
sick people
unattractive people

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Q: Why is Saint Drogo the patron saint of chocolate?
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How did they choose the patron saint of chocolate?

I can find no official patron saint of chocolate.

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There is no male or female saint of chocolate.

When did Saint Drogo die?

Saint Drogo died on 1186-04-16.

When was Saint Drogo born?

Saint Drogo was born on 1105-03-14.

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The patrons of unattractive people are St. Drogo and St. Germaine Cousin.

When was Saint Drogo's canonized?

Saint Drogo was never officially canonized by the Catholic Church.

When was saint Drogo canonized a saint?

Saint Drogo was never officially canonized by the Catholic Church. He is considered a saint by popular acclaim and local cult, but he does not appear in the formal Roman Martyrology or Universal Calendar of Saints.

Who is the patron saint for broken bones?

St James the Greater, the Apostle is the patron saint of Rheumatism, Arthritis, and RA as well as being the patron of Spain and Pharmacists. St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori suffered tremendously from a crippling arthritic condition and some say he is as well. However, the R.C. Church recognizes St. James.

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The Patron Saint Inex lists no patron saints of bears.