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Q: Why is Schindler angry with Goeth?
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Who were the main characters in schindler's list?

Oskar Schindler and Amon Goeth

Who are the three main characters in Schindler's List?

· Oskar Schindler · Itzhak Stern Amon Goeth

How was Schindler and Goeth in Schindler's List different?

It is more common that their similarities are compared, but anyway.. Goeth had less restrictions. Schindler did what he did for people rather than an organisation. In the film Schindler became affected by the situation, then made decisions based on morality instead of emotion. Otherwise they were essentially the same.

Main characters in schindler's list?

The Nazis. If you're talking about the commandant at the camp, he is Amon Goeth.

What was the Amon Goeth in schindler's list?

Amon Goeth was the Commandant of the Plaszow labor/concentration camp in Krakow Poland during the early to mid 1940s. Ralph Fiennes portrayed Amon Goeth in Schindler's List in 1993

Why is Goeth so cruel in schindler's list?

because he was cruel in real life

What is the relationship between Helen Hursh and Amon Goeth in Schindler's List?

Oskar schindler and amon goeth had a pretty bad relationship. in the eyes of Amon Goeth they seem like friends but while Oskar Schindler is getting him drunk and is persuading him into letting him make barracks at his factory Oskar really doesn't like Amon. he is just using him to save more Jews in his factory

Why didn't Goeth kill the boy who dropped his saddle right away?

The night before at the party, Amon Goeth got so drunk he could hardly stand. Oskar Schindler wasn't drunk, so Goeth respected him for that. Goeth says that getting drunk limits a person's control and control is power. Schindler then says that "power is when we have every justification to kill, and we don't", meaning that true power and control is to pardon or forgive. The reason why Goeth didn't kill the boy who had the saddle on the ground was because he was exercising true power.

Who was the Nazi concentration camp owner in Schindler's list?

The Reich owned it the SS ran it Amon Goeth was in charge of it

Was Oskar Schindler pushed by Itzhak Stern to make the list?

No. Schindler created the list when tipped off by Goeth's secretary Pemper. In real life, Stern didn't even write the list.

What is the movie with the villain Amon Goeth?

I'm not completely Sure. But I do know ther was an Amon Goeth in Schindlers list. Answer 2 It was Schindler's List and an interesting point is regarding the scene where he is excuted for his war crimes - it was not as in the film. Goeth was tried by a Polish court and then hanged - but they were only sucessful on the third attempt! They got the length of the rope wrong on the first 2 attempts AND they filmed it.

Why does Schindler get angry when the woman comes to his factory and refers to it as a haven?

because of the responsibility that it would put on him.