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little is known about how Simon sustained his eye injury although it has been reported that he lost sight in his left eye due to some sort of freak accident. an eye patch helps to limit light and prevent further damage.

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John Climer

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3y ago
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Simon O'Brien is a well known television host. The reason for him wearing an eye patch is not known.

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Why is Simon O'Brien wearing eye patch?

Simon O'Brien sustained an eye injury. Eye patches allow the eyes to rest while they heal by limiting their use and their exposure to light.

What should i wear Glass eye or eye patch?

It depends on your personal preference... If you're more comfortable wearing a false eye than an eye patch - then go for it !

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James Taylor made an appearance with John Legend on Larry King Live and was wearing an eye patch over his left eye. When asked "what happened to your eye?" Taylor replyed that he had fallen at home and hit a table cutting the area around his eye. It was visible at the bottome of the eye patch that there were some bandages showing and a small cut peeking out from the patch.

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How did Simon O'Brien injure his eye?

At first little is known about how Simon sustained his eye injury although it has been reported that he lost sight in his left eye due to some sort of freak accident.Wearing an eye patch helps to limit light and prevent further damage.

What happened to Simon o'brien's eye?

At first little is known about how Simon sustained his eye injury although it has been reported that he lost sight in his left eye due to some sort of freak accident.Wearing an eye patch helps to limit light and prevent further damage.

What happened to Simon o'brien's?

At first little is known about how Simon sustained his eye injury although it has been reported that he lost sight in his left eye due to some sort of freak accident.Wearing an eye patch helps to limit light and prevent further damage.

What is vitrectomy recovery?

This is the recovery period after vitrectomy surgery to the eye. It includes wearing an eye patch, using antibiotic drops after the patch is removed, wearing a plastic eye shield while sleeping, not lifting heavy objects, and applying ice to help alleviate mild discomfort.

Why is Jeff Bridges wearing the patch over the right eye John Wayne over the left?

I don't know the exact answer to this, except to say that in the book, Rooster's bad eye is his left eye. That being said, Wayne's was in line with the book while Bridge's is a deviation from it. Would love to know why the Coen's chose to have their Rooster with a patch on the wrong eye.

Does nicodemus have an eye patch on his eye?

nicodemus had a patch over eye because he fought the cat what ever his name is.

Why does Patch D'Coolette wear an eye patch?

Because Scourge ripped out his eye by force.

Who is the character with the eye patch in Casino Royale?

Gettler is the character with the eye patch in Casino Royale.