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Sulfur is part of column 16 or group 6A because, all elements in group 6A have 6 valence electrons. Sulfur has 6 valence electrons.

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Q: Why is Sulfur a part of group 16 the periodic table?
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What are the numbers of elements in sulfur trioxide?

sulfur dioxide is made up of sulfur,carbon, and oxygen

What metals is least stable aluminum silver iron potassium?

Potassium is very unstable as it is part of the alkali metals part of the periodic table, it will react to water, by blowing up.

Why is lathanide and actinide not part of the periodic table?

Besides the periodic table, an electron chart of the elements exists. The periodic table shows the broad outline. The electron chart goes into greater detail. The periodic table lists elements according to electrons in their outer shell. As elements get more massive they get more protons and electrons. Each time they add a proton, they jump one notch in the periodic table. When they add the electron, it is a valence electron and it affects the chemical properties. There comes a point when elements start adding electrons when the electrons are not added to the outer shell with the other electrons in the valence shell. The chemical properties do not change as the elements get heavier. It is extremely difficult to use chemistry to separate the elements in that group. If you had an electron chart, you would see the electrons followed a different pattern. That is why the lanthanides and actinides are set apart from the other elements on the periodic table. According to their chemical properties, they would all need to be put into one box.

Where are the lanthanides located on the periodic table?

The lanthanide elements are in a row at the bottom of the main part of most tables, this entire row being an extension of column 3 of the sixth period.

Which property does iron nickel and cobalt have which is the same?

Ferromagnetism only occurs in a few substances; the common ones are iron, nickel, cobalt and their alloys.

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What part of periodic table has halogens?

group 17

What do elements in group have in common?

they are all part of the Periodic Table:)

In what part of the periodic table is oxygen located?

The chalcogens are the chemical elements in group 16 of the periodic table, which includes Oxygen.

Are all Group 1 elements on the periodic table solids?

No, not all Group 1 elements on the periodic table are solids. For example, hydrogen is a gas at room temperature, while lithium, potassium, rubidium, cesium, and francium are solids.

What group of elements on the periodic table is most reactive?

For the most part, the Halogen group is the most reactive group on the periodic table. However, the Alkali metals are just as equal but not quite.

Is riboflavin on the periodic table of elements?

Yes, riboflavin is not on the periodic table of elements. Riboflavin is also known as vitamin B2, which is an essential nutrient for humans but not a chemical element.

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Group 4 in the periodic table is known as the "titanium group" or "Group 4B." It consists of the elements titanium (Ti), zirconium (Zr), hafnium (Hf), and rutherfordium (Rf).

What is sulfurs group in the periodic table?

Sulfur is a non metal. It accepts two electrons to form the stable sulfide ion. Therefore it is in the group 6A; group 16 according to modern notation.Sulfur is a non metal. It is in the 16th period of the periodic table. It has 6 electrons in its outermost energy level.sulfur is present in group-16. Its atomic number is 16. It has 6 valence electrons.

What column is oxygen a part of?

In the periodic table oxygen is found in the 16th group (colomn): the calcogens group

What family is the franium part of?

Franium is part of the noble gases family on the periodic table. It has the atomic number 86 and is represented by the chemical symbol "Fr." At room temperature, francium is a highly reactive and rare element.

How did Dmitri Mendeleev discover the periodic table with noble gases?

When Mendeleev proposed his periodic table, the noble gases had not been discovered, so they did not play a part in his development of the periodic table.

What part of the periodic table will likely formed a strong base?

Group 1 elements followed by group 2 elements.