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Why is The OdysseyStill ImportantToday?

4. Predict why you think a poem as old as The Odysseymight still be valuable today.

The Odysseyis an epic poem created centuries ago by an individual named Homer. It is based on the life of a Trojan War hero named Odysseus and how he returns back to his home in Ithaca after being captured and imprisoned by an evil witch/nymph named Calypso. It is about how a man courageously escapes from imprisonment by using his knowledge and persevering and also how a son strives to look for his father and eventually is reunited with him. There are numerous reasons as to why The Odysseymay be considered a valuable piece of literature, yet an importantreason would be the fact that it teaches virtues and values to the modern society.

The reason why The Odysseyis considered valuable today is because it teaches virtues and values. For instance, it teaches that through determination, hard work, and perseverance, one can succeed in even the most dangerous or most challenging of tasks. Moreover, it teaches the fact that miracles are possible, and that by striving and toiling hard enough, people can achieve what they desire. Keeping faith and believing in religion are also incorporated as messages in this epic poem. In addition, it teaches people that no one is perfect. Even someone well renown like Odysseus can be flawed. Moreover, people are taught that they should not give into temptation and that cleverness may be useful in accomplishing certain tasks.

In conclusion, there are several reasons as to why The Odysseyis still valuable today. The main reason as to why it is importantis because it is a means of indirectly teaching future generations certain messages and showing them that by working hard and continuing to have faith, countless tasks can be accomplished. It influences society members into doing well and working harder. The Odysseyteaches people to push themselves to their limit and to believe no matter what happens.

this isn't mines so don''t be like copyrite laws and shhit:(
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