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Q: Why is Vo2 max important to endurance athletes?
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Components of aerobics?

Cardio output, Vo2 max, respiratory funtion, muscular endurance, and muscular strength

What is the difference between vo2 max and pvo2 max?

pVO2 max = power at VO2 max. I think it's the power output (in watts) that is generated while cycling at VO2 max

The ability to perform endurance activities at an intensity requiring less than VO2 Max appears to be predominately affected by what?

peripheral and metabolic responses

What is max VO2?

VO2 max is the maximum amount of oxygen taken in and transported to the working muscles to produces energy

What is the difference between vo2 max and vo2 peak?

The difference between VO2 max and VO2 peak is what the values represent. VO2 max represents the highest running oxygen amount achievable during a high intensity test. V02 peak represents the maximum value that can be reached without having it raised by a boost.

Where can I buy a vo2 max calculator online?

A vo2 max calculator can best be found on websites like ebay and amazon. Not only will you find reputable vo2 max calculator stockists, but also be able to save money by ckecking the prices.

What is Lance Armstrong VO2 max lungs oxygen burning capacity?

Armstrong's VO2 max was reported at 85 ml/kg/min

Where can I find out what my vo2 max is?

You can find out what your vo2 max is in many different places. There are various websites dedicated to finding these numbers for a more effective workout.

Where can I found out what my vo2 max is?

Try out this site: They will have everything you need to know about vo2.

What are 5 factors that can change VO2 max?


Is there a calculator that can tell me what my vo2 max is?

You can find a calculator to tell you an estimate for your vo2 max at the following link:

Which sport has the best conditioned players?

I think that this one is a matter of opinion, but among the sports with the best conditioned athletes would have to be soccer, water polo, marathon, cross country skiing, triathlon, decathlon, gymnastics and boxing. The first two sports require continuous action. Marathoners and cross country skiing require tremendous endurance. Decathletes and gymnasts require a wide range of athletic skills and boxers, especially those in the lower weight classes have to endure being beat on for extended periods of time. One measurement that can be used to determine the best conditiioned athlete is VO2 max. Cross country skiers tend to perform the best using this measurement. Elite cross country skiers will have a VO2 max in the 90's. As a comparison, Lance Armstrong highest recorded VO2 max was 83.6 while cross country skier Bjorn Dahlie recorded a VO2 max of 96.