

Why is Washington DC the symbol for your country and why?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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it is the symbol of the USA because that is the capital and where a lot of monuments and important statues are

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Q: Why is Washington DC the symbol for your country and why?
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Why is Washington DC a symbol for the country?

Washington, D.C., is a symbol of the country because it is the capital of the country.

What symbol is next to Washington DC on the map?

Is a star in a circle the tell it's the country Capitol.

What does the symbol mean for Washington?

The star within a circle designates a capital city, in the case of Washington DC, a country's capital. distric of Columbia

What symbol is used for Washington DC?

a star

What is the symbol next to Washington DC?

a star

Why is DC called a symbol for your country?

Washington DC is the capital of the US. It was founded in 1790.As the location of the US Capitol Building and the Whitehouse, DC is a symbol of all that is American. DC has become synonymous with Freedom, Patriotism, and American Liberty.Washington DC is in the global news almost daily because so much of what originates in DC affects the rest of the world.Like other important capitals such as: London, Moscow, Beijing, Paris, Singapore; Washington DC and the things that happen here are reported on daily.

Which country is Washington DC the capital of?

Washington DC is the capital of the United States of America.

Why is Washington D.C. a national symbol?

Washington dc is a national symbol because it stands for America's unity and democratic traditions.

Why is Washington D.C. called a national symbol?

Washington DC is considered a national symbol because of all the reach history surrounding the capital. From the architecture to the events that happened there, DC is historical.

What symbol is used to represent the national capital of Washington DC?


What state has the capital Washington DC?

Washington DC is the capital of the entire country. It is not the capital of a state.

What is the symbol usually found next to the to Washington D.C. and What does it mean?

Washington DC is the United States (national) Capital. That's what the symbol stands for