

Why is a Sumatran tigers stripes so close together?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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the Sumatrans tigers stripes are so close together so they can blend in with the grass and catch its prey

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Q: Why is a Sumatran tigers stripes so close together?
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What tigers are exctinct no or are nearly exctinct?

The Capispain, Javan, Bali are all extinct. Sumatran, South china, Malayan are very close to extinction. So remember to take good care of nature.

What types of tiger are there?

Good question There are heaps of different tiger species such as, the white tiger, Bengal tiger (the most dangerous species of tiger), Siberian tiger, Indochinese tiger, Sumatran tiger, Caspian tiger, Bali tiger, South China tiger and the Javan tiger. Hope this answered you question (: There is one tiger species, but six living subspecies. Bengal, Siberian, Malayan, Indo Chinese, Sumatran, South China. Extinct subspecies are the Caspian, Javan, and Bali.

How does a Sumatran tiger get its food?

The Sumatran Tiger will basically eat any prey it catch. Deer, monkeys, wild pig, buffalo are the staple of the diet. It Click on the 'related links' below it will take you to a fact page about Sumatran Tigers

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What other animals depend on tigers for survival?

if they are not hunting solo then they hunt together, but if they do then they wait till night and get close to the victim then strike quickly

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attack you

What are the nine subspecies of tiger?

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What is the close relative to a jaguar?

Lions, leopards, and tigers.

How do tigers avoid human beings?

close their eyes and hide

How can tigers sleep?

They close dem eyes and lie down

In a liquid are partlicles close together?

yes they are very close together

What if your eyes are close together?

It means your eyes are very close together.