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Q: Why is a bar of soap more apparant on a warm day than on a cold day?
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Why must you use hot water and soap when washing your hand?

because hot water kills more germs than washing it with cold water soap is also needed to kill more germs

Does antibacterial soap kill more than non-bacterial soap?

yes antibacterial soap kills more gems than non antibacterial soap

Do soap bubbles last longer in warm or cold air?

My answer is, that there are air bubbles in the bottom of it, (WHEN ITS BOILING) Than those air bubbles rise to the top, & That's how hot water bubbles more than cold water.

Why does soap dissolve faster in hot water than in cold water?

because it does.

Is antibacterial soap more affective than regular soap?

yes because antibacterial soap kills 99.9% of germs and regular soap has less than that.

Is liquid hand soap in pump more expensive than bar soap?

liquid soap is more bar soap lasts longer...

Why does new soap lather more than old soap?

It is only an illusion.

Make soap out of herbs?

You need more than herbs, but you can put them in soap

How do you no if you have hard water?

The water wouldn't form lather(foam) with soap,it would waste soap. It could be cold because most hard water are cold. Solution is boiling,using detergents because it dissolv es than solid or bar soap.

How faster will soap dissolve in cold or hot water?

Well it really depends on what type of soap you're using

Why was germx made?

It's easier than using soap & it kills more bacteria than soap & it works faster.

Why marine food chain can have more than 5 trophic levels?

food webs ... and because in marine ecosystems, there are phytoplankton as well. These microorggansims are not apparant in terrestrial food chains