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Clam shells are quite durable.

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Q: Why is a clam most likely to fossilize?
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Which is most likely to fossilize a cla or a jellyfish?

A clam.

Which is the most likely to fossilize a clam or jellyfish?

A clam is more likely. Jellies have no bones.

What would most likely leave fossil remains a jellyfish a fox or a moth?

A clam is more likely to fossilize than a jellyfish.

Why is a clam more likely to fossilize more than a

Because it is more resistant to biological and environmental destruction.

Why does a clam fossilize and the jellyfish doesnt?

Jellies have no bones. When they die, they just dissolve.

Why is a mammoth more likely to fossilize than a caterpillar?

A mammoth is more likely to fossilize than a caterpillar because a caterpillar has no hard tissue. Bones and cartilage are much more likely to fossilize.

What animal parts fossilize best?

Bones typically fossilize the most. There are some examples of fossilized feathers and hair, but it's rare.

Which part of a dinosaur is most likely to be preserved as a fossil?

Teeth are the most likely part of a dinosaur to fossilize, because they are hard and dinosaurs lost and replaced them many times over their lifespans. Next are bones, especially large bones, horns, and claws.

What is most difficult to fossilize fish mammals plants or snail?


Would you more likely find the fossil remains of a fox or moth?

A fox would be the most likely. A moth is smaller, and therefore would take less time to decompose. However, for anything to(technically) fossilize takes a very long time

Why doesnt everything fossilize?

Not everything will fossilize because not everything is under the right environment to do so. Animals must die in a wet place in order to fossilize.

Why is mud more likely than sand to fossilize an organism?

Sand is porous, so air get get through it, but mud can keep air out.