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because the comet can't stay in the suns pull and the Earth pulls it for a short time

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Q: Why is a comet visible for only a short portion of its orbit around the sun?
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What is the name of the comet that orbits the sun in your solar system?

Any comet visible from earth is in orbit around the sun. If the orbit is closed (elliptical), the comet will return after some period of time. If the orbit is open (parabolic or hyperbolic), the comet will escape the solar system and never return to the neighborhood.

What is the path of comet around the sun called?

It is called an orbit. A comet has an eccentric or parabolic orbit.

What is path of a comet around the sun CALLED?

An orbit

Is Haley's comet coming in 2009?

Halley's Comet is following its long orbital path. It is currently a little past the orbit of Neptune, and is not visible.

What is the shape of a comet's orbit around the sun?


What path around the Sun does the comet follow?

An orbit

What shape is the orbit of a comet around the sun?


What do comet orbit?

The Sun

Different if earth had an orbit like that of a comet?

our earth would be then fried, becasue the orbit of a comet orbits around the sun which cause the comet to be insanely high. which in one case would fry our earth if our orbit was near the sun

What space curiosity occurs every 76 years?

Halley's Comet returns to the part of its orbit visible from Earth.

How does the elliptical orbit of comets affect their appearance?

Invisible to our eyes, ionic "winds" are constantly blowing away from the sun. As a comet passes in a long, elliptical orbit, its tail is pushed away from the sun by these solar winds. Since most of the visible part of the comet is its tail, this is a very visible effect. Of course, there is no air resistance in the vacuum of outer space, a comet's orbit will not make it more elongated, smooth, etc.

What is an icy ball that has a very elliptical orbit around the sun?

a comet