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It's because the cub is still maintaining the same physical characteristics when young as it will when an adult. Metamorphosis is when an animal, being an insect, undergoes drastic physical changes to its body that makes it look much different as an adult than when young.

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Q: Why is a cub growing into a lion isn't considered metamorphosis?
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Would a lion go through complete metamorphosis?

As a lion gets older, it will also start to grow.

Why is the development of a lion is not metamorphosis?

Metamorphosis is when an animal goes under dramatic changes, like a tadpole turning into a frog. Lions grow larger, but do not have dramatic changes in their features.

When will a lion not attack you?

A lion will not attack you if it isnt hungry, (It would hunt and kill you if it was) and if it thought you weren't going to cause the lion or it's cubs any harm. Simples.

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isnt it a lion. (his name is Harry Potter)

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No, the lion can be considered as a cat, a very big cat.

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no it isnt a nocturnal animal because monkeys might not be nocturnal maybe some

Why is the lion considered the king of the wild?

The lion is considered the king of the wild, because it has no natural enemies, besides the humans.

What does a liger's home look like?

Just like the home of a lion or a tiger, look it up on wikipedia, this site isnt credable

Does a bird go through metamorphosis?

No, it hatches from the egg as a smaller version of the adult, better known as a nymph.

What is a lion's relationship to nature?

An African lion is considered an apex predator - the "top dog" in its habitat.