

Why is a documents style important in HTML?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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A document's style is important in HTML very much. It makes it differ from other elements in the page.

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Q: Why is a documents style important in HTML?
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Explain the procedure of linking a style sheet in HTML document?

To link a style sheet into an HTML document, you will use the <link> tag. This tag links, or embeds, the style sheet into the document. This would look like: <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" /> This allows you to use the same style sheet and rules on multiple HTML documents.

What contains HTML documents?

The web contains the HTML documents inn abundance. Most of the static pages are made in HTML.

How do you specify global styles for HTML tags?

You need to use style sheets. You can define a style in an external style sheet and link it to the documents you need. A change in the style sheet will affect all documents it is linked to. Here is an example of a simple style sheet: body { background-color: #d0e4fe; } h1 { color: orange; text-align: center; } p { font-family: "Times New Roman"; font-size: 20px; }

What are HTML style tags?

HTML style tag is used to define CSS in HTML. It is used to style the page according to the user demans.

What type of files are HTML documents?

HTML documents are plain-text files, usually encoded in UTF8 format.

What is a HTML translator?

A HTML Translator is a tool to translate your HTML documents into other languages.

Differentiate HTML tag from an HTML documents?

HTML tags are used to delimit HTML elements inside an HTML document.

What extensions are added to basic HTML documents?

.htm, .html, .xhtml

What benefits and demerits do External Style Sheets have?

Benefits: One file can be used to control multiple documents having different styles. Multiple HTML elements can have many documents, which can have classes. To group styles in composite situations, methods as selector and grouping are used. Demerits: Extra download is needed to import documents having style information. To render the document, the external style sheet should be loaded. Not practical for small style definitions.

What are the basic elements of HTML document?

HTML head title /title meta style /style /head body /body /HTML

What programming language would you use a Cascading Style Sheet with?

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are used with HTML and XHTML documents as well as dynamic coding languages. CSS is used to control the presentation of these documents predominately in web browsers. By having all the rules that control presentation in one place, you only have to go to one place to make a change and have that change perpetuate across all of the documents that have that style sheet embedded.

What is the use of css?

CSS is used to add style to HTML documents. HTML is designed to code the elements of a webpage, like text and pictures. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to define how they look (color, size, bold, etc.). CSS was used to fix a problem created when HTML tries to define how a page looks. It is now not acceptable to have HTML tags like <b> (which makes text bold). You should now include all of that information in CSS.