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Drum percussion is so loud because of the oscillations of the drum surface. The oscillation of drum surface causes oscillation of air molecules and loud noise.

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Q: Why is a drum percussion so loud?
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Is a bass drum tuned or intoned percussion?

Although A bass drum can be tuned by tightening its lugs using a drum key or a drum screw, A bass drum does not have a definite pitch so it is considered as an untuned percussion.

What were the timpani drum used for?

The timpani is more popularly known as the kettledrum, and is a percussion instrument used to play loud bass notes in orchestral performances. It is also used by experimental percussion artists.

Is the Brass drum a percussion instrument?

Yes, the bass drum is a percussion instrument.

What classification group does a bass drum belong?

the drum is a percussion instrument played in the percussion section of an orchestra

To which instrumental family does the drum belong?

The snare drum came from '''percussion''' family!

Which section of the orchestra does the drum belong to?

I think it's from the percussion section.. I hope it can be helpful :)

What family is the drum from?

The drum is from the percussion family. Basically anything you hit, scrape, or shake is percussion.

How is a percussion instrument played?

I've played a "thunder sheet" where you have a long sheet of metal, i think bronze, and then shake it back and forth to create a loud roar. There is also a method called the lions roar, where you get a bass drum, we used a marching bass drum, then attach a string to it, and pulling on it will create friction and create a loud bass drum sound.

What family is a drum?

Drums are members of the percussion family of instruments.

What famliey is a drum in?

The drum is included in the percussion family.

What percussion instrument is unpitched?

A percussion instrument with no pitch is (obviously) a percussion instrument, but with no recognisable note in any scale, producing a beat rather than a note. Examples of these instruments are snare drum, bass drum, tomtom drum etc.

Is the percussion a loud instrument?

It can be loud but It can be soft and quiet. depending on the percussion instrument you are playing and how you are playing it .