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it consists only of organic matter #EMBLEM3

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It is because it does not need a farmer to mow the grass because everyday because it is a habitat for animals

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Q: Why is a forest ecosystem considered self supporting?
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Could you give an example of an ecosystem and explain how it is self-supporting?

An example of a self-supporting ecosystem is a coral reef. Coral reefs rely on a balanced relationship between coral polyps, algae, fish, and other organisms to maintain their health and productivity. The corals provide habitat for fish and in return, the fish provide nutrients that help the corals grow. This interdependence ensures the ecosystem's sustainability through various symbiotic relationships.

What is the definion of ecosystems?

Ecosystem is a self supporting system and unit.

What is a self-supporting unit of interacting living things and their environment?

An ecosystem

Why is a plantation considered not to be a true forest?

Because it is not natural and is usually of only one species. The true, bio-diverse forest was cut down to make space for the plantation. A plantation will not survive into the future without the continued horticultural intervention of man. A forest is a natural, self sustaining ecosystem.

What do you mean by self supporting progamme in colleges?

self supporting courses

Could an AQUARIUMS considered an ecosystem?

Most folks only consider them a true ecosystem if they are self sustaining, which almost all aquariums are not.

Can you collect unemployment if you are a minor?

No, you are considered to be included in, and supported by, your parents or guardians families, and not a separate self-supporting entity.

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When was Sad Story of Self Supporting Child created?

Sad Story of Self Supporting Child was created on 1965-05-05.

What is the smallest functional unit of biosphere?

The smallest functional unit of the biosphere is an ecosystem. Ecosystems consist of living organisms interacting with each other and their physical environment, functioning as a self-contained unit where energy and nutrients are exchanged. They can vary in size from a small pond to a large forest.

Why is the earth called a closed ecosystem?

The Earth is called a closed ecosystem because it functions as a self-contained system where energy and materials are exchanged within itself without any external inputs or outputs. This means that resources are recycled within the Earth's system, making it relatively self-sustaining.

What is a Self supporting tower?

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